5 Great Reasons to Take a Blogging Break This Summer

Photo of a woman (me!) reclining in an inflatable plastic donut floating in a pool. She is reading a book.

1) Um, because it’s possible you haven’t updated your blog for awhile anyway, so let’s frame that as a good thing. Achievement UNLOCKED. Well done. (I’m not kidding.) 

2) Because online traffic always falls off in the summer…almost like the universe is trying to tell you something. 

3) Because you’re a human being, not a robot. and taking breaks from work is what human beings do. It’s also how to make blogging sustainable. 

4) Because it’s useful and good for your readers to be reminded that you’re not a robot, seeing as humanness is what we all come to blogs for, and also your example might inspire those readers to take their own breaks from the internet too.  

5) And finally, because time and distance from your blog will give you space to reflect on your project, to remember why you wanted to do it in the first place, to think about what you might like to do differently (because a blog needs room to grow and space to wander), and to have experiences and see things that you can come home again and actually blog about once your break is over.

*The next session of my guided, interactive blogging course MAKE THE LEAP is coming in September. Registration is open now!